Method of Producing Porous Ceramic Balls
The picture above shows the metal extrusion method of forming inert ceramic balls, which is usually used to produce perforated ceramic balls.
inert powder balls
The picture above shows how the raw materials for inert ceramic balls are ground, then turned into powder using equipment such as a spray tower. They are then shaped into more regular balls using special metal molds, unlike the irregular balls made from mud.
The production of inert ceramic balls by snowballing method is the most productive, but it can only produce solid, poreless inert ceramic balls. Of course, it is also a powder forming method, which is the most popular production method for inert alumina ceramic balls.
Handmade ceramic balls
Handmade ceramic balls are suitable for the production of 40mm-50mm inert ceramic balls, as large inert ceramic balls produced by other machinery equipment have some disadvantages. Therefore, producing inert ceramic balls with good strength for large size specifications by hand is also a good choice.
Porcelain Ball Manufacturers
Ceramic Ball Manufacturers
ceramic alumina balls
Handmade ceramic balls
Production Method of Inert Ceramic Balls
ceramic ball with hole
high teperature ceramic balls
ceramic ball with holes